Accreditation Options

your accreditation partner
We do not offer school accreditation; however, families can use the work their children do at JLC to access accreditation through West River Academy, a private school network based in the United States, that enrolls students in international programs like ours all over the world. Transcripts are recognized in the United States and other Hague Convention member countries, including Costa Rica. It is important to know that the transcripts you receive from West River Academy must be apostilled in order to be useful in the Costa Rican school system.

support for you
Deciding whether you need to purchase accreditation or not is a personal decision that each family needs to decide based on their particular circumstance. It is essential that each family do their research in their child's citizenship country to determine what the laws are regarding their child's schooling. We are happy to help you think through the accreditation decision -- just let us know you're thinking about it.